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Inspirational Quotes

Inspirational quotes have a tremendous ability to motivate others and even change the way we feel about ourselves. As human beings, we react to messages around us on a daily basis; often times we are not consciously aware that it’s happening. Inspirational quotes are another way to transmit positivity towards ourselves and others.


The impact that positive words can have has been studied.  Research shows that if a person is positive, cheerful and optimistic, this can change how other people around them feel as well-transmitting positivity!

The cognitive therapy approach in psychology focuses on the impact our thoughts have on our emotions, which cause us to react or behave a certain way. It is important to increase positive emotions!  Research shows that positive emotions increase our awareness, attention, and memory, which helps us to learn better by retaining more information, and understanding how different ideas relate to each other. People who have more positive emotions in their everyday lives tend to be happier, healthier, and get along better with others. 

Why do we want to share positivity with others?


According to the World Health Organization, globally, more than 300 million people suffer from depression, and 260 million suffer from anxiety disorders—many of whom live with both conditions. The World Health Organization also indicates that every 40 seconds one person commits suicide, every 60 seconds one person is murdered, and every 100 seconds one person dies in armed conflict. As per the World Health Organization, in 2015 suicides accounted for 1.4% of all deaths worldwide, making it the 17th leading cause of death. According to Mental Health America, rates of youth with severe depression increased from 5.9% in 2012 to 8.2% in 2015 and over 40 million Americans have a mental health condition.

Inspiring Others

With suicide, violence, and mental health on the rise, it’s important to transmit positivity to others. Just as positive words can make someone smile, an inspirational quote can make someone regain hope and react more positively to situations. Our thoughts react to the world in real-time, and it’s important to have inspirational thoughts available for people on a daily basis.

There are many real-life examples that show that being positive can easily spread to others around us. Words of gratitude, affection, complimenting words, a simple “Thank you”, can impact others positivity and inspire them instantly.

Walk Hard and Inspire Others Project

Our Walk Hard and Inspire Others Project donates T-shirts with inspirational quotes to individuals and communities in order to positively impact and inspire individuals to improve the quality of life for all.

Because even one word or one sentence can impact someone’s life, our Walk Hard and Inspire Others Project, focuses on promoting happiness and transmitting positivity towards others.


Walk Hard Foundation supports both local and global efforts, but believes in supporting the local community first. Walk Hard Foundation partners with local school districts, churches, foster homes, adult centers, other community outreach programs, and global partners to reach the neediest individuals and communities. Walk Hard Foundation believes that each person can impact those around them and spread joy to others. Each person can be a spark that inspires and improves the quality of life of those around them.

Walk Hard Foundation


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